21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Harita Genel Komutan Yardımcısı Tuğg. Keşap, Rektör Özer’i ziyaret etti

Harita Genel Komutan Yardımcısı Tuğg. Keşap, Rektör Özer’i ziyaret etti

Harita Genel Komutanlığı (HGK) Komutan Yardımcısı Tuğg. Metin Keşap, Rektör Prof. Dr. Mahmut Özer’i makamında ziyaret etti.
HGK ve Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi (BEÜ) tarafından sürdürülen çalışmaları hakkında bilgi alışverişinin gerçekleştirildiği ziyarette, HGK Komutan Yardımcısı Tuğg. Keşap’a, Teknik Hizmetler Başkanı Dr. Alb. Osman Alp, Jeodezi Şube Müdürü Yb. Ali İhsan Kurt eşlik ettiler.
Tuğg. Keşap 21 Ocak 2015 tarihinde gerçekleştirdiği ziyaretinde, HGK’nın tüm araştırmacı ve akademisyenlerin kullanımına sunmak üzere hazırladığı harita arşivi hakkında Rektör Özer ile bilgi paylaşımında bulundu. Arşivin Milli Savunma Bakanı Sayın İsmet Yılmaz’ın da katılacağı törenle 21 üniversite ile HGK arasında Mayıs ayında imzalanacak protokol kapsamında oluşturulacağını belirten Tuğg. Keşap, Rektör Özer’e Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesinin de bu konudaki desteklerini beklediklerini belirtti. Keşap, ziyaret anısına Rektör Özer’e HGK’nın özel tasarımlı Türkiye haritasını armağan etti.
Rektör Özer, Tuğg. Metin Keşap’ın ziyaretinden duyduğu memnuniyeti ifade ederek söz konusu arşiv çalışmasının üniversitelerin araştırmalarında gereksinim duyduğu bilgi ve belgelere ulaşabilmek amacıyla büyük önem taşıdığını söyledi. Özer, Mühendislik Fakültesi Geomatik Mühendisliği Bölümünde sürdürülen çalışmalar hakkında Tuğg. Keşap’a bilgi verdi ve gerçekleştirilecek işbirliği kapsamında BEÜ’nün her türlü desteği sağlayacağını belirtti.
Rektör Özer ziyaret sonunda Tuğg. Keşap ve beraberindekilere Üniversitemizin özel hediyelerini takdim etti.

RAST 2015

RAST 2015 için gelen iletiyi aynen aşağıda paylaşıyorum.

Dear Colleagues,
Due to numerous requests we have recieved again, RAST2015 paper submission deadline is extended to 12 February 2015 as final extension by the RAST 2015 Organization committee. You can submit your paper as described in http://www.rast.org.tr/ .

7th International Conference on
Recent Advances in Space Technologies-RAST 2015
" Emerging Private Space"

16-19 June 2015, Istanbul, TURKEY


Organized by Turkish Air Force Academy, Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute

Important Dates:
Special session proposals: 12 February 2015 
Submission of full papers: 12 February 2015 
Notification of acceptance: 22 March 2015
Submission of camera-ready full papers: 05 April 2015                                                           

Paper submission: Prospective participants are invited to electronically submit full paper of their work, following the instructions available on the web page. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE proceedings , that will appear on IEEE Xplore, which will be available at the time of the conference. Enhanced version of the selected papers will be considered for a possible publication at the Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies (www.hho.edu.tr/HutenDergi/JAST/).

Preamble: Nontraditional space initiatives have been emerging in recent years from the private sector, with seemingly exotic objectives such as space tourism and asteroid mining. They are indicative of a new level of maturity and innovation in space technology and understanding. These developments have set the stage for the seventh RAST Conference (RAST2015), for which the theme was decided as "EMERGING PRIVATE SPACE". RAST2015 will be held on 16-19 June 2015 again in Istanbul. RAST Conferences are open to all areas of space although each conference tries to focus on its specific theme as well.

Objectives: Commercial space has been around for several decades, in space communications, Earth observation and launch services. However, other commercial space initiatives have been emerging recently, with completely different and "out of this World" goals. Space tourism, asteroid mining and certain curiosity driven objectives are prime areas of those initiatives. In addition to technological feasibility, there are a number of other issues which require careful analysis. While entrepreneurs may be mostly concerned with financial, operational and market viability, governments and international institutions must be prepared to deal with legal and regulatory matters. Then there are the physiological and psychological issues regarding humans in space. International space law will need new interpretations and extensions to cover probable disputes which are already being pronounced, such as unrestricted access to space resources.

Topics: In general, contributions regarding all aspects of recent developments in space technologies are welcome. Presentations
addressing the specific theme of RAST2015 are especially  encouraged. Papers may fall under, but not be limited to the following topics:

* New and emerging private space initiatives and entrepreneurship
* New human habitable space craft, space capsules
* Space tourism for non-astronaut, ordinary people including legal, training and physiological aspects
* Legal aspects of asteroid mining
* Space technologies that contribute to security, including all aspects and threats, natural, man-made, humanitarian efforts, etc.
* Earth observation projects and programs geared especially toward prediction, mitigation and monitoring of natural disasters
* Computational modeling for design, development and control of aerospace vehicles, during launch, space travel and reentry
* Development of affordable launch capabilities
* Small satellites, micro, nano and pico satellites, cubesats
* New and novel instrumentation for various spacecraft functions, including ADCS, power, vehicle control, space robotics etc.
* Design and construction of space structures, space systems, materials, simulation and testing
* Additive manufacturing technologies for space applications
* New remote sensing technologies and applications, i.e. hyperspectral sensing, SAR, applications in environment, agriculture, etc.
* Developments in GNSSs, interoperability, new applications
* Regional positioning systems
* Satellite time and frequency transfer systems
* Advanced technologies for satellite communications
* Scientific applications, deep space, near-earth space, space weather, microgravity
* Visions into future of space science, multiverses, black holes, etc.
* Energy from space
* Computational modeling of material processing and other flow physics associated processes under microgravity conditions in space
* International cooperation, especially among space-faring and developing countries
* Space law, space medicine, and benefits of information available from space (social, educational and others)

Special Sessions: The participants of the conference are encouraged to organize special sessions (5-6 papers) on a particular area within the conference theme. For details, please visit the web site.

Student Paper Competition: Student paper competition is planned. The winner will be rewarded with the certificate of honour and honorarium. For details, please visit the web site

Exhibition: Exhibitions are planned during the conference.

Please refer to the official website for further information www.rast.org.tr

Best regards

RAST2015 Secretariat
Turkish Air Force Academy (Hava Harp Okulu), Yeşilyurt, İstanbul, Türkiye
Tel: +90-212-6632490, Ext. 4365, Fax: +90-212-6628551
E- mail: rast2015@rast.org.tr

19 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

SAR ve UA Dersleri

NİK Sistemden aldığı iletiyi aşağıda paylaşıyorum. Bilgilendirme için kendilerine teşekkür ederim.
Değerli Liste Üyelerimiz,

Almanya Uzay Ajansı DLR’ın hazırlamış olduğu Radar (SAR) ile Uzaktan Algılama Dersleri (40 farklı ders konusu, İngilizce), Tutorial (12 farklı yazılım ve uygulamalar, genellikle İngilizce) ve sunumlar (dili Almanca)

Gerek SAR uygulamalarına ilgi duyanlar gerekse bu konularda çalışanlar veya çalışmak isteyenlere çok faydalı bir kaynak olduğunu belirtmek isterim.

Aşağıdaki linkten bu verilere ulaşabilirsiniz. Ancak öncelikle register & login olmanız gerekmektedir.


A. Yücel ERBAY